Engaging Your Creative Self

2022-05-10 by Jeannie

Engaging Your Creative Self

Psilocybin may help people to more fully engage their creative potential. Everyone has the ability to be creative, but for some of us we have either been told, or we have told our self, we are not creative types. Too many of us come to accept this as fact and we limit ourselves to being spectators of others’ creative outputs.  In doing so we put limits on our full intellectual, emotional and spiritual development. A shame, really.

Stimulating imagination needs more emphasis in our culture.  Albert Einstein is thought to have said, “Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere”. 

Often we view logic as the higher mental process. But is it? The ability to imagine freely is often where the really good ideas, the visions, the art, the music and so forth come from. Imagination is not just the domain of the artist. This creative time that we spend dreaming and conjuring turns out to be an important part of building a healthy, vibrant brain. 

Neuroscientist and Psychologist, Dr. Rex Jung, has studied creativity for ten years and he says there are five important habits of highly creative people: 

  • 1. They express many ideas and they are good at visualizing what can be.
  • 2. They are open to new ideas and experiences; they tend to push new ideas.
  • 3. They are very good at one thing, they build mastery over a period of time – and they conscientiously take the time to learn and build knowledge and skills.
  • 4. They are determined and less concerned about being judged by others. They don’t give up.
  • 5. They take time to dream, relax, and chill.

Dr. Rex Jung also says there are some myths about creativity that need to be busted. These include the idea that you have to be crazy to be creative, you have to be highly intelligent, and creativity lives in the right hemisphere of the brain. Incorrect on all accounts.

What we need to be able to do is allow ourselves that chance to dream, think, brainstorm and not be attached to finding the ‘right’ answer all of the time. We need to allow ourselves to engage in unconstrained thought and not view this as frivolous or wasting valuable time. We need to balance our tendency toward convergent thinking (problem solving/the logic mind) and divergent thinking (imaginative, unconstrained thinking). It can be hard to gain this balance in a culture that places more value on linear, logic processes.

So how do we get there? We allow ourselves the time and space and tools to grow our imaginative self. The five steps identified by Dr. Jung may serve as a helpful guide but I think giving the mind a good shake up and rolling up one’s sleeves and just getting down to creating without worrying about whether you are getting it right or not, or what others might think about what you are doing, are  good places to being. 

How does any of this connect to psilocybin? Psilocybin can help us be more divergent thinkers and doers and liberate us from the constraints that keep us walking a status quo path in life. PureMicro’s ‘Creativity’ is designed just for this. At a dose of 250mg of psilocybin cubensis per capsule, Creativity is meant to show us possibilities, gently tickling the mind into greater expansiveness. PureMicro Creativity can show us our self and our environment in different and heightened ways; showing us things we don’t usually allow ourselves to see, moving us beyond the mundane. And having experienced this expanded state of consciousness, it can be hard to fully return to our old, limiting habits.

Is it safe? Yes. Particularly so if you understand beforehand what the experience might be like and, if you are new to this, I’d encourage that you don’t dose alone. Individual experiences will vary and you need to determine what is right for you, what you feel comfortable with.

So bring on the dreaming, the imagination, the doing of creative things you put off because you don’t have time or you consider yourself incapable of achieving. Your life will be richer for it.

To learn more about Dr. Rex Jung’s work, visit www.rexjung.com
